Cornelis Monsma

 Image Summary

1 Timothy 3
Gallery 14/1
Gallery 12/5
Gallery 12/4
Gallery 12/3
Gallery 12/2
Gallery 12/1
Gallery 11/2
Gallery 11/1
Gallery 10/2
Gallery 10/01
Gallery 09/3
Gallery 09/2
Gallery 09/1
Gallery 08/4
Gallery 08/3
Gallery 08/2
Gallery 08/1
Gallery 07/3
Gallery 07/2
Gallery 07/1
Prodigals 1
Prodigals 2
The Beatitudes
Song of Songs
The Covenants
Lord's Prayer
Revelation 1
Revelation 2
Revelation 3
Prayer 1
Prayer 2
Psalms 1
Psalms 2
Psalms 3
Psalms 4
The Journey
Early Church
Home Schooling


Christian Painter

Expressionist Painter

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Inside the beatitudes 02

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Blessed are the pure.

Blessed are the pure in heart; they will see God!  Matthew 5:8


We usually would regard something "pure" in the absence of contamination or "impurity". God's verdict is, that it is impossible to be pure under sinful human conditions, which therefore consequently prevents humanity in it's old fallen state, from having a living relationship with Him.

To provide purity to the fallen human race and access to Himself, He provided the solution in His son, Jesus Christ.
A repentant soul will receive a new, clean human spirit in which the Spirit of Christ will dwell, making a person effectively clean before the Father, as Father sees this person now as a pure saint in Christ, with free access to Father granted.

The saint has been recreated into a new pure clean vessel with his/her name written on it, and will experience the surrounding peace which has now become a definite part of the saint's new life in Christ. (horizontal blue-green lines)

In Christ, the saint has been made pure in Him and is now able to experience directly the love of Father. The saint will be able to see God (yellow flare) in his/her close surroundings, daily circumstances and in the lives of others.

The pure in heart can even experience being picked up and placed on the lap of Abba/Father, being hugged, blessed, comforted and talked to by Him.

Blessed those who work for peace.

Blessed are the peacemakers! For they shall be called the sons/children of God. Matthew 5:9


No, these are not peace keepers/makers wearing blue helmets, or "mediators" in sticky political problems. The ones mentioned in the "beatitudes" are offering the real lasting peace, provided in Christ.

We already get an idea what kind of "peace" the "beatitudes" are talking about when we look at the events happening after the birth of Christ.
"Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom he is pleased!" Luke 2:14. (GNB)

As we already have indicated in some of the previous "beatitudes", pleasing God without Christ is not possible. So, in order to bring or experience peace, Christ has to be the dominant factor in the saints life.
Once that is established, the saint can go on his/her mission to pass on Christ/Peace.

The tool the saint is bringing to the earthly minded warring parties (the red masses on the sides) is the cross. (center of the painting)
The cross, representing the redemptive work of Christ, is the only tool that can bring lasting peace to a tortured human race.

The bringers of this good news have no easy task. Scripture tells us they are unselfishly "working for peace". Putting aside personal preferences and goals, they go for the real call in their lives.
This proofs to be hard and even dangerous work, and in some situations with a disregard for their own mortal life, they obey and carry on in the footsteps of their Lord, Jesus Christ.

In their mission they mirror the Son of God who gave His life to provide the fallen world with peace and hope.
James puts it this way: (James 3:17,18) "But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers sowing in peace raise a harvest of righteousness".

These blessed saints are the children of God in the likeness of the Son, who are willing ambassadors of the message of peace.

Blessed are the persecuted.

Blessed are those who are persecuted because they do what God requires; the Kingdom of heaven belongs to them!  Matthew 5:10


At first glance we wonder what glory there is in persecution.
We always thank God for a peaceful existence and for the fact that no trouble or tribulation has ever reached us in our lifetimes.

Yes, some of us are even prepared to believe in the "Rapture" which will apparently shield the believers from all the inconvenience coming with persecution and tribulation.
Let's be honest, we simply don't like the thought of a dark suffocating blue-green threatening cloud of persecution.

The reason for persecution is simply that the persecuted saint possesses something the persecutor hates, or is scared of.
Jesus indicates to expect to be persecuted, because they have persecuted Him.
That is the heart of the problem.
A saint washed in the blood of Christ walks and lives in His image, has a real person to person relationship with the living Christ, avoids religion and is therefore hated and persecuted.

We have to be aware however that persecution does not necessarily only takes place under brutal non believing dictators or regiems.
One can be persecuted in seemingly "friendly" environments like church (religion), family, or by a circle of "friends"

Stephen in Acts 7 ; 56 was among the people of his own time and religion he grew up with, and blinded by their religious pride were well prepared to stone him!
What Stephen saw just before his death sums up the reward of persecution: "I see heaven opened and the Son of Man standing at the right side of God!"

The saint knows that between persecution, death, and him (red) is Christ. (white) Nothing can snatch away the saint from the hand of Christ, "I give them eternal life, and they shall never die. No one can snatch them away from me". Joh 10:28...

The overcomer, assured of a glorious place in His Kingdom.

Blessed when insulted.

Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you and tell all kinds of evil lies against you because you are my followers.  Matthew 5:11


A seemingly milder but not lesser innocent form of persecution is painted here.
Practically all of us know the rhyme starting with:"Sticks and stones..."
Children play this "game' on playgrounds worldwide, not realizing the long term damage it can cause, and adults are still foolish enough to hang on to it's principle.

The problems usually start when the saint takes a different view in religious matters then say, the majority.
At first the saints view is tolerated as the majority assumes he/she will change their mind over time.
When that however fails to eventuate, precious things like close friendships and special relationships start to cool down, and are getting a little shaky and sensitive.

As it becomes apparent to the majority that the saint is not budging to the pressure and demands of the corporate body, the alienation starts to take shape in "mild" cold-shoulder treatments, not invited to usual activities and the disappearing from rosters, accused of being "airy-fairy", and possibly being reduced from "man/woman of God", to "false prophet".

The saint still loves the people no matter how they treat him/her and continues to walk the narrow road.
Finally understanding that the saint is not going to change his/her mind the knives are coming out and the back-stabbing starts.
Insults, gossip and lying are mushrooming, effectively forcing the saint (lower light part) to reconsider his/her place and future in this community he/she so used to love.

The saint finally understands that the cause of this treatment is, him/her allowing Christ to be visible and ministering, thereby consequently threatening the ruling religious spirit.
As the accusations are piling up against the saint, or actually against Christ, he/she finally decides to leave the environment he/she so dearly loved.

After all these traumatic experiences, the saint expected a sense of emptiness, a vacuum, but is instead now experiencing the powerful uplifting presence of his/her Lord, supplying all the comfort he/she needs.

Be blessed and glad.

Be blessed and glad, for a great reward is kept for you in heaven. This is how the prophets before you were persecuted.  Matthew 5:12


What a way to close this series: "Be blessed and glad!"
The saint in this painting rises up from the darkness, turmoil and persecution of his/her times. Stripped naked and robbed of all worldly possessions the saint reaches out to the heavens, realizing he/she is not from this earth but a citizen of the heavenly Kingdom.

The saint is prepared to leave everything he/she had/was behind, friends, wealth, reputation, yes even family, thereby lining up with the nature of the indwelling Spirit of Christ.
He/she has finally discovered what it means to be part of the gathering of the elect.
The saint now realizes what it means to be part of the real-time meeting of the Ecclesia, the family of God in Christ.

The prophets, the martyrs, the apostles, all have gone before him/her and by reaching out the saint is able to touch the foundations of their belief, faith, trust, and finally finds the sabbath-rest in God.
The saint learns that his/her given faith and walk by the Spirit has put him/her at an equal level with these famous saints who went before him/her.

He/she now understands that peace, persecution, gladness, can be overpowering elements all happening at the same moment in and during difficult circumstances.
It could be compared with stepping outside on a still gray day when it is heavily snowing. There is the busy dance-like, erratic excitement of the millions of snowflakes and yet.. no sound...utter silence, utter peace!

The saint has reached his/her destination!

You are the salt.

You are the salt of the earth, but if the salt becomes tasteless, with what shall it be salted? For it has strength for nothing any more but to be thrown out and to be trampled under by men.  Matthew 5:13

Total dependency.

I waited a long time before adding this work to the "Beatitudes" list.
This picture is not a "Beatitude" (blessing) but a closing statement of the Lord after the teaching of the "Beatitudes".

This important closing statement expresses utter dependency for the salt on ... taste! Without taste, the salt is powerless, worthless and thrown out to be trampled upon.
The importance of the salt is not being the main substance, but its taste, Christ! He HAS to occupy the central place of preeminence in the saints life and actions, otherwise everything will be in vain, worthless!
There is absolutely nothing that can replace, or take the place of Christ. He has chosen to be the Taste, the Presence in the saints, in order to BE the difference and to reach out that way to a world that He loves.

The salt, the saint, is only the carrier and it should remind the saint of the wonderful truth of the Kingdom: "It's no longer I, but Christ that lives (and rules) in me!"

Go, rest, and let Him!


One fact has become clearly visible in these Beatitudes: the preeminence of Christ!
He HAS to be the one and only one in the saints life, and only then he/she will reap the full blessings of all the promises.

The use of the terms: "saint" and "he/she" was deliberate,
finding the term "Christian" too generalizing.
By using the terms "he/she" I tried not to discriminate but to include everyone.

It is general knowledge that there are supposed to be eight "Beatitudes" according to the scholars.
I painted ten and feel comfortable about that.


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